
Frosty the snowplant

Fotograf: Elin

Fallen leaves

In a crooked little town, they were lost and never found
Fallen leaves, fallen leaves, fallen leaves... on the ground
Run away before you drown, or the streets will beat you down
Fallen leaves, fallen leaves, fallen leaves... on the ground

Billy Talent - Fallen Leaves

Fotograf och redigerare: Chrillos

Mercy me

I used to long for time alone
I used to long for a place of my own
and I'm losing faith in everything
I'm lost, so lost, i'm lost at sea, you'll see

Alkaline Trio - Mercy me

Fotograf och redigerare; Chrillos

Bilden är tagen genom en vindruta i förbifarten

Like the angel

'Cause all the roads that I might take
will all one day lead back to you

Rise Against - Like the angel
Fotograf och redigerare: Elin

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